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Home > User Guide > Cancel a Membership Subscription
Cancel a Membership Subscription
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At any time, you may cancel your subscription to a group with subscription membership. Cancellation is immediately done. You will cease to be a remain a member of the group group and any of its subgroups right away.


  1. From the navigation bar, tap the Groups icon and choose the group.

  2. On the group header, tap the Member button.


  3. This opens the Manage Membership screen on the Subscription tab. Using the example below, notice that your status will show “Active Subscription” and the date of your next invoice. 
    Active Membership Subscription

  4. Tap the Cancel Subscription button.
    Cancel Subscription button

  5. Tap Ok to confirm cancellation. You will be removed the group and its subgroups.

  6. Check your email inbox for an email about the issued refund. This is your pro-rated subscription refund.



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