Feb 19, 2024
Consider having the following information available ahead of creating or updating the group settings:
- Group title
- Group description
- Cover photo
- Thumbnail image
- Country
- Privacy setting
- Do you want to approve members? If yes, users will join only after being approved by an admin.
- Do you want to gather information from users when they join? If yes, what information do you want to collect?
Navigate to the Group edit screen as follows:
- Tap the Groups icon on the navigation, find the group you want to edit, and tap the tile. The group dashboard will display on the screen.
- Tap the 3 dots menu found on the header section, then choose Edit Group. You are now on the General tab.
- Type the name and description of the group.
- Tap the pencil icon to replace the thumbnail image and the cover photo. Pick a PNG or JPEG file from your laptop. Wait for the platform to show 100% uploaded before proceeding.
- Choose the primary country represented by this group. If this is a multinational group, you can skip this step.
- Other settings to configure are Enable Group Newsfeed, Enable Group Chat, Enable Admin Only Chat, Allow Suggestions, Privacy Settings, Member Signup Code, Approval Required, Registration Information, Group Dashboard, Matchmaker, and Group Subscriptions. Prior to making changes to these items, discuss with your organization.
- Tap the Save button to save your changes.
- If you want to gather information from members when they join, go back to Edit Group. Then, tap Signup Forms to input the custom survey questions.
- Tap the Save button to save your changes. Only group admins can view the responses to the signup form.
Signup Forms
When you add questions in the Signup Forms section, this survey is available to existing and new members. An existing member can see the survey by going to Optimize. Someone who is going to join will see the survey and proceed to answer the questions.
Only the group admin can view the answers of the participants.
- On the group header, tap Members.
- Tap "Generate CSV of Members" to get an export of the members and their answers.
- Open the csv-formatted file with Microsoft Excel, Google sheets, or another spreadsheet software.